
FERPA /隐私政策


我们理解父母和其他支持学生的家庭成员在学生的生活和成功中所扮演的重要角色. 我们的学生告诉我们,父母和家人是他们决定参加澳门葡京网赌送彩金的最大影响因素之一, 以及他们作为布鲁戈尔德家族的最终成功. 有了这样的理解, 我们每天都在努力为这些重要的支持者提供他们所需的信息,以最好地帮助他们的学生实现他们的目标, 同时维护合法的隐私权.

Student and families should become familiar with the laws related to these privacy matters, 它们被称为 FERPA——1974年的家庭教育权和隐私权法案.

Students should also have a good understanding of the campus statement of privacy matters c所有ed 学生的权利(PDF).

作为校园资源,我们有FERPA手册. The FERPA brochure is a tool to educate the campus community regarding student privacy rights and responsibilities.

A Guide 为 教职员工: 学生隐私权 and Responsibilities (PDF)

FERPA Notice: 教职员工 (Take Responsibility 为 Student Records Confidentiality) (PDF)


Sometimes students are alarmed to find out that their campus email may be obtained by outside organizations, 特别是在选举年. While it might be irritating, it has everything to do with public colleges and open records laws. UW-Eau克莱尔 must provide contact in为mation to third parties if they request it. Not too many organizations take the time to make that official request, but it happens on occasion. 如果您希望限制从第三方接收的信息, 学习如何管理您的信息.

UW-Eau克莱尔 状态ment on Confidentiality and the Use of Student Records

Electronic technology enables the University to provide expanded in为mation services to students and faculty. The accessibility of this in为mation necessitates an understanding of and adherence to Federal, 状态, and University rules and policies on the confidentiality and use of student records by users. 对于发现违反本政策的个人,学校将立即采取补救或纪律处分. This statement encompasses rules and practices under the 家庭教育权利和隐私法 (Buckley), 威斯康辛公开唱片法案, 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校学生档案政策, 并禁止未经授权披露或更改学生信息或记录,以及滥用电脑访问.



威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校理解家长和监护人在学生的生活和成功中发挥的重要作用, 我们努力回应人们的关切, 问题和建议. 在华盛顿大学政策的范围内, 联邦和州法律, 我们将尽可能分享所有信息. 这包括学生能够授权父母和监护人进一步访问受隐私法保护的信息级别的方式.


当然,家长对孩子的学业有着既得利益, Blugold学生的财务和个人生活, 这些成年学生在法律上享有隐私权,这在我们所有的校园程序和流程中都是普遍存在的. 从成绩和时间表到账单和付款信息, 这些记录属于这个学生,而且只属于这个学生, which can be tough to sw所有ow as the parent who may be paying the bill 为 this education — we get it.

这些都是法律, it simply means that in order to gain access to online or other in为mation about these topics, students must complete the process of granting official access to the designated individuals by completing the 委托访问流程.


成绩和时间表将可以查看 营地. 在这里,你也可以要求一份笔录.  If your parents are interested in obtaining access to view your 成绩, please complete the 委托访问流程.


Blugold中央 监督学杂费的结算. 将发送电子邮件通知以查看账单信息 营地.



学生可以免费获得注册证明, 一天24小时, 每周7天通过国家学生信息中心. 学生可以到 MyBlugold营地,选择“学生中心”,然后选择“我的学者”. On the My 学者 page select the link 为 an Enrollment Verification and follow the instructions from there. This service is provided free of charge to 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 students through the National Student Clearinghouse. 我们无法核实未来的入学日期.

If 为 some reason the 为m provided via MyBlugold is not adequate 为 the verification you need, please contact Blugold Central at 715-836-3000 to obtain this in为mation or send an email to verifications@syria-events.com. Often, the insurance company requires a 为m to be completed and then 为warded. 这些表格应邮寄至Blugold中央:



When special circumstances or emergencies require reaching a student, 联系学生办公室主任,电话:715-836-5626.


学生可以授权家长或客人访问特定的学生帐户信息,包括联系信息, 紧急联系人, 账单, 金融援助, 成绩, 持有, 做清单. A student may revoke access to a parent/guest at any time, without notice to the parent/guest.


Give your parent/guardian or other trusted person delegated access to your 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 营地 student account.




